Whiplash is described as an injury to the cervical spine resulting from a sudden acceleration and deceleration trauma, most common with rear end automobile collisions. As a car is suddenly hit from behind, the occupant’s body is jolted forward while the head remains in the same position. This causes a spontaneous backward strain on the curve in the neck which can damage ligaments that hold the bones in their natural alignment.

A significant load is placed on the ligaments, discs and joints of the neck during the peak of the whiplash injury. Even a 5mph collision puts the neck and head under 4.5 times the force of gravity. Numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as gender, age and physical condition. It is impossible to predict the pattern of symptoms that each individual will suffer.

Neck pain is the single most common complaint in a whiplash trauma, being reported by over 90% of patients. Often this pain radiates across the shoulders, up into the head, and down between the shoulder blades. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as the muscles, ligaments and nerves. Neck pain and headaches are the most prevalent complaint among those suffering from whiplash injury, affecting more than 80% of all people. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, most are related to injury of the nerves, muscles, ligaments and facet joins of the cervical spine, which refer pain to the head. Because of this, it is important to treat the supporting structure of your neck in order to alleviate your headaches. Other common complaints include pins and needles in the arms, TMJ problems, brain injury, dizziness and low back pain.

Additionally, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to present. With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months, however, more than 20% of those who suffer from whiplash injuries continue to suffer from pain, weakness or restricted movement years after their accident. 

Pierce Clinic of Chiropractic employs a revolutionary healthcare health care procedure known as the Advanced Orthogonal (AdvO) technique. This procedure is unique in that it focuses on identifying the serious, though sometimes subtle, misalignment of the top vertebrae (C1 Atlas) in the neck, and precisely correcting it with a precision percussion wave adjustment. Nerve interference in the upper neck disrupt the healing process and, left unresolved, can lead to chronic suffering. Because of the traumatic nature of a whiplash injury, and the fact that it can cause so much damage to the upper cervical area in particular, this gentle alignment is the ideal method for treating a patient who has experienced such a trauma. Our Doctors’ method has help countless individuals suffering with whiplash injuries. 



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